Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Blender workshop at the 2017 Pleiades Conference

This was another great memory.

I had lots of wonderful help running the workshop, and I was very proud of the result. The materials include several examples of methods for creating fulldome content with Blender 2.79.

The materials are currently on my GitHub account - click "Clone or Download" to download the whole thing as a zip file.

2017 Blender Workshop Materials

I hope to remake the materials with Blender 2.80. Mostly the same, but the interface and shortcuts have changed. The new features are still evolving and could merit a new chapter.

I'm keeping the Blender 2.79 materials around, though. Folks with older computers might not be able to run Blender 2.80.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Memories... From a very early GLPA Blender workshop...  2009 if I had to guess.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Under construction. Or something.