Sunday, May 24, 2020

Blendpeaks free add-on for Blender from Oormi Creations

Wow. Saw this today on BlenderNation:

It creates a plane and a shader setup for material and displacement. 

I made a quick test using defaults, with a default Sky Texture and the default single scene lamp:

I like it. I like it a lot. In fact, I think I might be a bit in love.

Here's the direct link:

And while you're at it, please do check out the Oormi Creations website:

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Fractal Flames a happy mistake

I used a flame that I generated in Gimp, then converted it to the XML format using flam3-convert, then used defaults with flam3-generate and rendered with flam3-render.

I'm working on a workflow to generate some for dome use, but not random defaults.

Oh yes, I didn't apply any processing, just strung the frames together.